Dear parents,
Welcome to the new term and the first newsletter.
The spring term is always about hitting the ground running and I can certainly see that has happened as I visited the classes over the first two weeks. We had our first class assembly of the academic year today-thank you to Hedgehogs for starting this off so successfully.
English open morning-Thursday 30th January 9-10.30pm
We have had a healthy response to parents signing up for this event. A reminder of the words from the start of term letter.
This form will close on Wednesday 22nd January so we can plan accordingly for the day.
There will be an opportunity to watch English lessons being taught and understand the reading and writing process at Sheen Mount through both staff and children. There will also be a presentation from Miss Breckon, our English lead and an opportunity to ask questions at the end.
Please note this is not an opportunity for you to watch your own child being taught. There will only be a handful of classes to see, but they will be from across the age groups at the school.
Curriculum bulletins
These termly bulletins were all sent out last Friday. Please refer to them for an overview of each year group for the term. There is then lots of detailed information under the subject areas on the website.
Date change-KS1 Spring singing assembly
Unfortunately, due to staff availability, we have had to move this event to Tuesday 1st April at 2.30pm. Sorry for the change of date.
Parent consultation meetings this term
We are trying a slightly different format for this term and then we will make a collective decision over whether to have them over two or three days in the future. As you can see, there are still some online slots, but they are reduced due to the later appointments offered. Please work with us whilst we trial this format. Every school does it a different way and there are advantages and disadvantages about the appointments being over 2 or 3 days for the teachers.
Wednesday 5th March 3.45-5.15pm online. 5.15pm-7pm in person
Thursday 6th March 3.45-7pm in person
DBS costs
The costs for the DBS have increased to £49.50-as you can see from the link below. Therefore, we will have to increase what we charge parents. We need to get the enhanced option rather than standard as it means we can leave parents unsupervised with children. If it is not enhanced, this has an impact on independence on school trips and when parent volunteers come to school.
Large 'Stanley' cups with handles as water bottles
There has been a trend of these appearing in classes and I am going to ask that they no longer come into school. They are far too big to be in the classrooms and unnecessary; hopefully, I can then save you from spending money and you can buy far simpler water bottles!
For clarity, this is the type we can no longer have in school.
Parking and School Street
As sure as a New Year starting, there have been complaints about parking on Christchurch Road-this time from our current parents. I probably hear once every two weeks "There's going to be a serious accident one day out there." Once again, please be considerate of other people, children and our community.
The West Temple Sheen 'School Street' is still on track, but these things take time for the council to go through the various processes and implement. Initial work will hopefully be carried out in February half term. More information will be published and shared, but the timings are Monday to Friday 8.15-9.00am and 3.00-3.45pm.
We look forward to lots of fixtures in the coming weeks for tag rugby, boys and girls football and netball.
Yesterday the netball team got straight back into their stride, winning 16-1 against Thomson House in a league fixture. Well done to all involved.
Table tennis
Years 3 to 5 enjoyed a table tennis assembly with ex-Great Britain international Darius Knight yesterday. This was to launch a table tennis club with him starting in the school hall in the summer term-look out for further news. Eight children had the opportunity to return one of his heavy spin serves and win the bat they were playing with. The closest missed by just millimetres.
Voluntary contributions-swimming and school meals
Thank you to those that have contributed via Arbor for this request. Our uptake is around 55% which we are very grateful for, but it would be great to push that up to nearer 80%. We have bundled this amount altogether this year at £90 which helps us pay for the energy costs for the pool and the various added costs in the kitchen-most significantly the equipment. In the last six months we have had to pay for a new hot plate, dishwasher and oven. The payment is on the front page of your Arbor app.
Smart phone link
There has been positive feedback around the articles I sent out last week around smartphones. Some parents have asked me to remind parents of the more formal link below. The school will continue to review its position on this moving forward. As previously stated, mobile phones do not present any issue to us within school, they are diligently handed in by Y5/6 children. However, there may be more we can do to promote this campaign.
Interestingly, when checking in with the Y5/6 teachers this week on the numbers of phones in the school-there are only 1 or 2 children in each class in Y5 and around 20% in Y6.
School fund
There will be some communication before the next newsletter of our re-launch of the school fund-previously called the trustees fund. This will be asking for voluntary contributions towards school funding, but not associated with the PSA fundraising.
Many thanks to John and Alice Du Parq for giving up their time to guide twelve of our classes through a workshop with the chickens before Christmas. We look forward to everyone else making their visits this term. I can report the chickens are in good health and the first 5 boxes of eggs have been sold (unfortunately, there is a lengthy waitlist). The bossy chicken (Poppy), is becoming more accommodating to her coop mates and beginning to live and breathe more of the Sheen Mount values.
PSA events
Big Bid from the PSA
FANCY a cut price spa break, or a great deal on Harry Potter Tour tickets or VIP meal out, or wine tasting experience? Check out the brilliant lots up for grabs in the Big Bid for Sheen Mount silent auction. There is also a raffle with a chance starting at just £2 an entry where you can win everything from family photography experiences to vouchers for popular local kids classes and clubs. Auction and raffle closes 7 February 2025 so get bidding!
Opening of the Second hand uniform shed
Sadly, a local celebrity was not available, so yours truly was given the unquestionable honour of opening the shed. On a more serious note, thank you very much to those who have ensured the shed has been built and we look forward to further sales to boost the PSA and be even more environmentally friendly.
Playground Fundraising Project
We look forward to bringing you some first plans for this significant fund raising project before the half term. We are looking at areas on both sides of the playground and some outdoor children fitness equipment.
Informal stretching evening class.
Planning for the Lands End to Sheen Mount ride are progressing very well and some of the riders have been persevering with their training, despite the recent weather. To assist the riders with their preparation the school hall will be made available on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 for group exercise sessions.
These sessions will be open to any parent-whether you are doing the ride or not, who wishes to undertake some informal exercise, get to know some of the riders and help with fundraising. There will be an honesty system and ask for a £5 donation per session which will go towards the overall fundraising for the event.
I understand an app will be used by the group to guide the session, so by no means a class to learn proper technique or position or be told what to do.
The sessions are commencing Tuesday, 21st January so please feel to drop by with a yoga mat.
New picture in office reception
As our minds very much turn to this year’s cycle, we finally received the signed framed T-shirt from Sir Mo Farah’s visit in January 2024. Have a look the next time you are in the office.
Have a good weekend.
You can contact me directly on or speak to me at the gate at pick up and drop off.
Tom Holmes - Headteacher