Dear Parents,
Thank you for your support this week. Yesterday was particular hot in school and challenging in a number of spaces, particularly the Year 3/4 block. Fortunately we managed to have anyone staying in KS2 after 2pm in the air-conditioned IT room and R/KS1 were in the cooler KS1 classrooms.
It has been a very enjoyable start to my headship at Sheen Mount. We have tried hard to revert to normal school measures as quickly as possible, and we look forward to continuing to build on this moving forwards. Re-engaging the whole school community within the school is crucial in primary schools and we are delighted to have had open mornings and all our class assemblies and performances.
We wish you all an enjoyable and safe summer. Hopefully one as normal as possible after the previous years.
Term starts:
A reminder term starts on Monday 5th September as we have two INSET days on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd September. We very much look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on the 5th September.
Year 6
We wish our Year 6 all the best as they move on to a new chapter in their lives. We always ask our Year 6s to be the role-models for the rest of the school and this year group have been excellent at achieving that. They have worked hard in the classroom, but equally had fun both in and out of it. We look forward to them keeping in touch with the school throughout the coming years.
We wish all our staff leaving a successful future and thank them for their considerable service. We wrote about them in the previous weeks and all will be very welcome back at Sheen Mount.
As mentioned earlier in the year, we have three class teachers leaving and we wanted to say a word about them. We thank them all for the considerable commitment they have brought to their roles at Sheen Mount.
Rob Stefanini: Rob started as a teaching assistant at the school before completing his teacher training and continuing to work as a teacher in Reception. He then moved on to become the EYFS Phase Leader. Having a smile and being calm in every situation is how we will remember him. We wish Rob all the best in his new career outside of teaching.
Sophie Coombs: Sophie also started at the school as a teacher assistant and then did her final teacher training placement at Sheen Mount. She is full of positivity and so caring towards her children. We hope Sophie enjoys her small break from teaching over the next six months, before returning to the classroom nearer to where she lives in North London.
Beth Porter: Beth also started as a teacher assistant at the school nine years ago, before becoming a class teacher and working both full time and in job share partnerships with Mrs Hope-Evans and Mrs Wigmore. We will always remember her care and commitment to the children in her class at all times, plus a love of seeing them learn. We wish Beth all the best as she leaves her current role.
Making better use of the school space
A separate email will be sent explaining some proposed plans to better use our considerable outdoor space.
Parent consultation evenings 2022/23
We have had sizeable feedback in this survey, it will be open until the end of term. Please contribute if you would like to.
We are considering options for these for the autumn term and would like some parent feedback on whether you would like them to be online or in person. We welcome your feedback:
Parent volunteering and career sharing
Thank you for those who have volunteered so far. A further reminder below and we will have one more reminder next term.
We are looking to compile a contact list for those who would like to volunteer at school to help within the school day. Among the areas we need support in are reading, phonics, English as an Additional Language (EAL) and a range of other curriculum needs.
For EAL, we have children who enter the school without English, and it is difficult to allocate them adult resources through our own staff. Therefore, we would like to see if parents would volunteer to assist and take children through a programme - we have all the resources. For those interested in this area, we will hold a meeting on Tuesday 6th September at 2.30pm with Mr Knol and Mrs O'Brien, who will provide further details and guidance.
As part of our enrichment programme we are also looking for those who would like to share with the children their career/area of expertise to sign up. We will provide further details of this through individual assemblies or as part of a careers fair. Would you be interested in taking part?
A reminder, I am more than happy to speak to parents at drop off and pick up, or you can contact me directly at:
Have a great summer holiday.
Tom Holmes - Headteacher
Maria O'Brien - Deputy Headteacher