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School Fund


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What is the School Fund?

The Sheen Mount School Fund was set up in the summer of 2018 in response to the real-term decline in government funding received by schools. It aims to attract funds to ensure that, despite these financial constraints, the school is able to maintain its outstanding educational record and provide a welcoming environment which fosters both learning and each individual pupil's well-being.

The fund was re-launched in January 2025. 

The stated objects of the Charity are:

  1.  To advance the education of the pupils of Sheen Mount Primary School by  providing or assisting in the provision of educational, recreational and sporting services equipment or facilities in augmentation of such services, equipment and facilities financed by the Local Education Authority, which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.
  2.  To further such other charitable purposes as are charitable within the law of England and Wales as the trustees may determine. 
  3.  The Sheen Mount Primary School Trust is registered as a Charitable Trust with the Charities Commission (Reg. No. 1183219) and  HMRC (Charity No. EW90583).

Trustees of the Fund

The current trustees of the Charity are Mr Tom Holmes (Headteacher), Ms Susan Boughton (Chair of the Board of Governors),
Mrs Maria O'Brien (Deputy Headteacher), Mrs Tilly Walters (Parent and former Chair of the Resources Committee of the Board of Governors) and Mrs Debbie Canner (School Business Manager). 

Raise money for Sheen Mount by shopping!

Shop AmazonSmile at, and Amazon donates to Sheen Mount Primary School Fund, at no cost to you.

You can now support also Sheen Mount Primary School Fund in the Amazon shopping app on iPhones and Android phones! Simply follow these instructions to turn on AmazonSmile and start generating donations. 

1. Open the Amazon Shopping app on your device 
2. Go into the main menu of the Amazon Shopping app and tap into 'Settings' 
3. Tap 'AmazonSmile' and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process 
If you do not have the latest version of the Amazon Shopping app, update your app. Click here for instructions.