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Reception News

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  • We built this city...

    Published 02/07/24

    Exploring maps!

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  • Slithering snails!

    Published 19/06/24

    Life in the undergrowth continues! 

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  • Life in the Undergrowth

    Published 05/06/24

    What will we find in the undergrowth in our outside area?

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  • Who is that trapping over my bridge?

    Published 16/05/24

    Who is trip trapping over my bridge?

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  • Jack and the Beanstalk

    Published 01/05/24

    More Traditional Tales.........

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  • The three little pigs!

    Published 16/04/24

    Traditional tales and performing! 

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  • 3D shapes all around

    Published 21/03/24

    We have had a great few weeks in Reception. In maths, we have been learning about 3D shapes. We have looked at different shapes and identified their properties. We have been outside to see shapes in our environment and have built towers from 3D boxes. We have used the 3D shapes to print and observe the 2D footprints. We have continued to find out more about dinosaurs. We were able to sort all the dinosaurs we know into carnivores, omnivores and herbivores. We have been busy with our art topic and have been using playdough to make dinosaurs. This week we will move onto using clay. We have also been making bridges for dinosaurs during our funky finger sessions.

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  • More news from Dinosaur land!

    Published 07/03/24

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • Dinosaurs in the classroom!

    Published 19/02/24


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  • We've arrived in China!

    Published 31/01/24

    Reception were extremely excited to take off on another plane journey this week. They flew into China full of excitement! They have been busy learning about where China is on the map, what the flag looks like and the types of houses that they live in. We have been doing lots of craft activities, including lanterns, flags and pandas. We learnt about the Chinese New Year and the children had so much fun joining in with a dragon dance outside.

    In maths, we have been learning about 6, 7 and 8. The children enjoyed working with ten frames and counters to show numbers in different ways.

    Where will we fly to next?

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  • All Around The World

    Published 17/01/24

    Reception has had a wonderful start to a new term. We flew into our new topic 'All Around The World'. Our first stop was Cairo in Egypt. We have been learning all about Egypt's climate, landmarks and camels. We have written sentences about camels, made camel masks and have learnt to write in Hieroglyphics. The children have been enjoying our 'airport' role-play area.  They have experienced working at the check-in desk and acting as air stewards, passengers and pilots. We are looking forward to flying to a new country next week. We are so excited to find out where we are going to land!

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  • Experimenting Scientists

    Published 14/12/23

    Last week we learnt about the icy planets - Neptune and Uranus.

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