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Reception News

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  • 3, 2, 1, blast off!

    Published 01/12/22

    What a busy few weeks we have had in Reception! We have continued learning about the numbers 1, 2 and 3 in our maths lessons and have even thought about 1 and 3 sided shapes. We have been exposed to all of the phase 2 sounds in our phonics lessons now and are enjoying reviewing and practising these. Our PE lessons have focused on balance and control when jumping, skipping, hopping and running and the children thoroughly enjoyed completing circuits in their lessons to develop these skills. 

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  • Launching into Space!

    Published 15/11/22

    3, 2, 1 - Blast off!! 

    We started our new topic with a bang - a visit from a space engineer, who also happens to be a TA in Year 6!  The children had lots of wonderful questions and found out lots of new information. We then gathered our ideas and talked about what else we would like to know.

    So far we have focused on the Sun, at the centre of our Solar System, and in the coming weeks we will visit all the planets on our journey outwards. 

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  • Awesome Autumn

    Published 02/11/22

    We have been learning all about autumn and observing the seasonal changes. Before the half-term break, we enjoyed our autumn walk to Sheen Common, where we found a range of different leaves, mushrooms and moss. We also made and ate our own pumpkin soup. We were impressed with the children's fine motor skills during the preparation of the vegetables and were delighted with how many stated that it was 'the best soup ever'. 

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  • Repeating patterns, repeating patterns

    Published 11/10/22

    This week, the children in Reception learnt about repeating patterns. We started by looking at ABAB patterns then moved onto ABC patterns. We worked well to finish the pattern and also were able to spot the mistake. We then created patterns in our environments. See if you can collect some autumn materials on your walk home from school and make your own autumn pattern! 

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  • Family portraits

    Published 27/09/22

    This week, as a part of our 'All about me' topic, we have created family portraits. The children spent some time initially talking about their family, comparing their photo collages and spotting similarities with their classmates. We then used our collages and a mirror to start sketching our family. We carefully outlined our work with a felt-tip pen and later used water colours to add colour and a background. 

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  • What a wonderful start

    Published 14/09/22

    It has been fantastic welcoming in and getting to know all of the children in Reception this week. We have been impressed with their curiosity and enthusiasm towards their new learning environment and were pleased to see how quickly so many children settled in to their new routines. 

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  • Last Week in Reception!

    Published 20/07/22

    It has been a hot and fun last week in Reception. We have spent much of the time trying to stay cool!

    We have enjoyed the last swimming sessions for the year, and we are looking forward to continuing these in Year 1.

    You have been amazing in Reception! Thank you for all of your hard work, we wish you a very happy summer and good luck next year!

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  • Pond dipping and visiting our new classrooms

    Published 15/07/22

    This week we have turned our minibeast focus to the school pond and we have learnt about lots of aquatic creatures. Some of the amazing things we found include young newts, dragonfly larvae, pond snails and ramshorn snails. Mrs Newman found the case of a dragonfly larva so we could look at it really closely. We finished our minibeasts topic by sketching a spider in our special art books that we will keep throughout our time at Sheen Mount - we used the observational skills we have been practising this term to do beautifully accurate drawings. The most exciting thing this week was finding out about our new classrooms, meeting new teachers and seeing what it's like being in Year 1. The teachers were all so impressed at how we behaved when we became Moles, Hedgehogs and Otters for a few hours! 

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  • Ants, Assemblies and Sports Day

    Published 08/07/22

    What a busy week we've had in Reception! To start with, we did some in-depth study of ants, those amazing superorganisms - did you know they live everywhere in the world except Antarctica? We looked at how they live and work, and learnt about their life-cycles.  In phonics, we are practising longer words in phonics, focusing on the endings in particular, so we are getting very good at writing 'bees' not 'beez' and 'painted' instead of 'paintid'! In maths we are starting to learn about 'sharing' amounts, and we can practise this in our play by sharing out food in pretend picnics. As well as all this, we have been enjoying all the Reception assemblies (they were so good!) and practising hard for Sports Day.  We will be tired this weekend!  

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  • Spiders

    Published 01/07/22

    This week our minibeast focus is on SPIDERS!  We have learnt lots of interesting facts - did you know that the female spiders are often bigger than the male ones? Our book for the week has been The Very Busy Spider and we have used this to study how the spider lives and how amazing their webs are. It is helping us with our number bonds to eight as well! In our phonics, we are tackling longer words now, and this week we have been concentrating on the endings of words, such as -ed, -d and -ing.  We are getting into the swing of swimming every week, and also fitting in time to rehearse our class assemblies AND practise activities for Sports Day! On top of this, we amazed our teachers with our dance moves and super behaviour at the disco on Thursday. Thank you parents for organising this! 

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  • Bees!

    Published 24/06/22

    Hello! This week we are learning about bees! We have found out so many facts about them - we know now that lots of bees DON'T make honey! We know so many minibeast facts that we have been using our artistic talents to make pictures of beautiful settings for all our minibeasts, then completing observational drawings to add to them. Our phonics are so good now that we wrote FANTASTIC information in our Golden Books all by ourselves. What with our swimming and practising our class assemblies, we have been as busy as bees doing a waggle dance!

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  • Slugs and Snails!

    Published 17/06/22

    This week our minibeast focus is on snails and slugs! We have shared lots of information and stories about these interesting molluscs, and now we have learnt so much more. Ask us about how a snail can see and smell! How does it have babies? We have used the snail shells as inspiration for some spectacular spiral artwork, and then we read our focus story, Snail Trail, and used that to give us some great ideas for our own 'snail trail' journey, exploring positional language to direct our snails around obstacles. We looked at shapes in our maths this week, for example learning how to use small squares to make big squares. Also, we have used our best writing to make a card... but we can't tell you about that yet!

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