Springing back into action!
The children in Year 6 have made a very good start to their learning after the Christmas holidays.
The children in Year 6 have made a very good start to their learning after the Christmas holidays.
The children in Year 6 visited the Houses of Parliament last Tuesday to see democracy in action.
All of the Year 6 children are working really hard with Mrs Adams and Mrs O'Brien to practise their singing for our carol concert on Wednesday 18th December. We can’t wait!
The children in Year 6 are starting out on their learning in a range of new topics as the new half term kicks off. In RE, they visited Christ Church to view the display of Remembrance poems and art works created by the art ambassadors.
This week in Year 6 the children have really enjoyed their science lessons where they have designed a chart to classify some of the invertebrates we might be able to find in and around our school.
Year 6 had a lovely long walk and a great time visiting Kew Gardens last Wednesday. Our trip reinforced our science learning about evolution and adaptation.
The children in Year 6 have had a busy couple of weeks. As part of our learning about World War II, we visited an air raid shelter at St Leonard’s Court to find out how it helped to keep some local people safe when the Luftwaffe was bombing London during the Blitz.
The Year 6 children have made a fantastic start to their final year at Sheen Mount and all of their teachers have been really impressed with their focus, energy and enthusiasm.
All of the children in Year 6 deserve a huge amount of credit for their performances in our production this week.
In design and technology, the Year 6 children have investigated how fairground rides work so that we will be better able to plan, construct and evaluate our own model.
Over the past two weeks, the children in Year 6 have been learning about financial literacy so that we are better able to manage our money when we are older. Here we are showing off our acting skills while learning about how money first developed as a means of helping people to trade with each other.
The children in Year 6 have achieved so much in the past few weeks.