Arts Week and Junior Citizen
It has been a busy end of term in Year 6.
It has been a busy end of term in Year 6.
Last week, Year 6 had great fun using their culinary skills to make pasta and tomato sauce. We evaluated the smell, appearance, taste and texture of a range of commercially available sauces – some were definitely better than others – to work out which key ingredients we might want to include in our own recipes. We learnt how to make a basic pasta dough and then we chose a specific shape for our own pasta. We needed lots of patience and some very fine motor skills! The creation of the tomato sauce helped us to improve our chopping and slicing of onions and garlic and we all had a chance to practise cooking our ingredients to make our own sauce. We evaluated our final pasta and sauce and also learnt about the provenance, seasonality and nutritional content of the ingredients we had used.
The Year 6 children have been learning how to be safe cyclists through the Bikeability scheme.
Last week, Year 6 visited the Houses of Parliament to learn about how democracy works in the United Kingdom.
As part of our work looking at adaptation, Year 6 designed an experiment inspired by peppered moths. These moths sleep on tree trunks during the day and their colour and pattern helps to camouflage them from predators.
The Year 6 children have had a busy start to the Spring Term.
It has been a busy but fun time for Year 6 as we approach the end of the year.
Like the rest of the school, Year 6 had a great time applying their science, technology, engineering and maths skills during our STEM Day.
The teachers were incredibly proud of the maturity and sensitivity shown by all of the Year 6 children during their Remembrance Assembly on Armistice Day last Friday.
In our science lessons we have been learning about how mould forms. We left slices of white bread in plastic bags around our classrooms to see what would happen. After the half term holiday, we observed our results. Some of the slices had speckles of mould on them and others were completely covered in green. Disgusting!
Year 6 really enjoyed their new role earlier in the week when they went into the three Reception classes to help our youngest pupils with their reading.
As part of our learning about World War II, Year 6 visited an air raid shelter near to Mortlake railway station.