Order, order…the Right Honourable Members for Sheen Mount
Last week, Year 6 visited the Houses of Parliament to learn about how democracy works in the United Kingdom.
Last week, Year 6 visited the Houses of Parliament to learn about how democracy works in the United Kingdom.
As part of our work looking at adaptation, Year 6 designed an experiment inspired by peppered moths. These moths sleep on tree trunks during the day and their colour and pattern helps to camouflage them from predators.
The Year 6 children have had a busy start to the Spring Term.
It has been a busy but fun time for Year 6 as we approach the end of the year.
Like the rest of the school, Year 6 had a great time applying their science, technology, engineering and maths skills during our STEM Day.
The teachers were incredibly proud of the maturity and sensitivity shown by all of the Year 6 children during their Remembrance Assembly on Armistice Day last Friday.
In our science lessons we have been learning about how mould forms. We left slices of white bread in plastic bags around our classrooms to see what would happen. After the half term holiday, we observed our results. Some of the slices had speckles of mould on them and others were completely covered in green. Disgusting!
Year 6 really enjoyed their new role earlier in the week when they went into the three Reception classes to help our youngest pupils with their reading.
As part of our learning about World War II, Year 6 visited an air raid shelter near to Mortlake railway station.
Year 6 have very quickly settled back into life at Sheen Mount. In the first couple of weeks of the new academic year, we have been learning about the experience of the children who were evacuated during World War II as part of our history lessons. We have also started to read our core text, “Letters from the Lighthouse”, in which two children are evacuated to Devon to keep them safe from the Blitz. We are looking forward to writing our own letters in the style of an evacuee next week.
This week we really enjoyed consolidating and extending our understanding of colour mixing and theory as part of our unit of work on Mark Rothko and Abstract Expressionism.
Year 6 have had a fantastic final week at Sheen Mount. This year group are kind, enthusiastic and a lot of fun to have in the classroom. We wish all of them every success as they move on to secondary school and we know that they are going to achieve everything they set their minds to.
Dear Year 6,
Well done for your wonderful performance in our Year 6 production. It was brilliant to see that all of your hard work was appreciated by such a large audience and you all did yourselves proud. You delivered your lines with confidence, supported each other on and off the stage and sung your hearts out! A big thank you to the audience for participating fully, laughing at the bad gags, and getting a sweat on with Jane Fonda's workout.