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Year 6 News



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  • Abstract Expressionism

    Published 29/11/23

    In art this week, the Year 6 pupils have evaluated their designs for a Mark Rothko-inspired painting and have begun to transfer their favourite colour scheme onto canvas, using acrylic paint.

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  • A fossil to fuel our learning

    Published 15/11/23

    The pupils in Year 6 have been acting as palaeontologists this week. They have learnt how fossils are formed and used their existing knowledge to piece together fossil evidence to reconstruct a realistic prehistoric animal.

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  • Autumn 2 kicks off for Year 6!

    Published 01/11/23

    In addition to practising their close control skills in football, the pupils in Year 6 have started the new half term by learning about the contribution made by the men and women of the Commonwealth during World War II.

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  • Kew Gardens

    Published 12/10/23

    Year 6 had a lovely long walk and a great time visiting Kew Gardens on Wednesday. 

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  • Reading with our new friends

    Published 27/09/23

    The children in Year 6 have had a busy couple of weeks.  We spent some time at school visiting the Science Dome where we learnt even more about how we can classify organisms into the five kingdoms of life.

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  • Kick off!

    Published 13/09/23

    The Year 6 children have made a great start to their final year at Sheen Mount.

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  • Showtime!

    Published 13/07/23

    Everyone in Year 6 has been working hard to learn their song words, lines, characterisations and dance moves for our end of year production next Tuesday and Wednesday.  

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  • Gearing up for the end of Year 6!

    Published 29/06/23

    All of the Year 6 children are getting excited about their end of year production.

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  • A busy week!

    Published 15/06/23

    The children have been working really hard on lots of different activities since their return from our successful residential visit to Marchant’s Hill. 

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  • Learning about the world of finance

    Published 19/05/23

    Year 6 have been learning about the world of finance and what we might do in the future so that we can manage our money effectively. 

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  • SATs!

    Published 11/05/23

    All of the Year 6 teachers have been very impressed with the focus and maturity shown by the children in their SATs tests this week.

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  • Circuits, cycling and civilisation

    Published 27/04/23

    It has been a busy start to the summer term in Year 6.

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