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Year 5 News

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  • Beautiful brooches

    Published 22/10/21

    Year 5 have been busy this week designing and making their replica Anglo-Saxon brooches.  We learnt in history that the brooches had a practical element to them – they helped to hold your cloak or dress in position – and they also indicated your status and wealth in society.  After some of these artefacts were discovered by archaeologists, it helped us to understand that the Anglo-Saxons were skilled craftsmen and that they must have traded because some of the materials used in the brooches came from elsewhere in the world. 

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  • Fly me to moon and let me learn with all my friends...

    Published 15/10/21

    Another busy week in Year 5.  We learnt so much about the Windrush Generation as part of Black History Month.  It was very interesting to learn about the reasons why so many people emigrated from the Caribbean shortly after the end of World War 2 and came to Britain.  We spoke about the contribution that has been made to the United Kingdom by those people and their children and grandchildren over the years.  It was also very thought-provoking to learn about the different experiences of those people who have come to our country - some of them positive and some of them less so - over the years.  In science, we investigated why there are so many craters on the moon.  We wanted to find out if the speed of the collision between objects in space, such as meteorites, and the moon affected the size of the crater.  We replicated what happens with a tray of flour and a ball dropped from different heights as frustratingly a meteorite is too big to fit into the classroom!  

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  • We are from everywhere!

    Published 07/10/21

    This week, Year 5 kicked off our work on Black History Month and our thinking about how great it is to be different.  We spent some time talking with our families to work out which parts of the world we were linked to.  It might be a very direct connection in that we were born there or something a little less direct...perhaps a great-grandparent came to the UK from a different country a long time ago.  We are all unique and we are now discussing in our lessons how our diversity makes our classroom, year group, school, city, country and world a more interesting, exciting and special place where everybody feels accepted, welcomed and valued.   The map outside our Year 5 classrooms shows that we have a connection to at least 48 different countries.  What a lot of diversity at Sheen Mount!    

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  • Putting reading at the heart of everything we do!

    Published 01/10/21

    Year 5 are really enjoying their reading.   We are hearing adults reading to us in the classroom, spending time reading our own quality pieces of fiction and improving our comprehension skills as a class.  We have already focused on developing our vocabulary and inferential skills.  We all know how important it is to read at home-at least half an hour each evening!  Next week we will be answering questions on our reading at home as part of our homework.  

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  • 24.09.21

    Published 24/09/21

    Another busy learning week for the children in Year 5 has involved the start of the drafting process for our description of the Lost Thing; the children were brilliant at generating their vocabulary ideas and coming up with some very effective similes to engage the reader.  In history, we have been discussing the importance of timelines in organising our understanding of significant events and in French we are becoming more confident in expressing which sports and pastimes we enjoy.  Our computing lessons have involved discussions about how we can use the internet safely and through our science lessons we have gained a better understanding of why scientists know the Earth is a sphere and not flat - although we all know it's really an oblate spheroid!  As you can see, our art lessons have focused on developing our sketching skills.   We have learnt about the importance of pencil grip, how to shade and how helpful it is to break down the drawing of an object into more simple shapes like rectangles and triangles.    

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  • Our new class text - The Lost Thing

    Published 16/09/21

    Year 5 have been familiarising themselves with our new class text - The Lost Thing.   The book might be a metaphor for a dystopian society or it might just be a story about a big, red teapot thing!  

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  • A great return to school!

    Published 09/09/21

    The Year 5 teachers have been really impressed by the energy, enthusiasm and focus shown by the children on their return to school after the summer holidays.  

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  • Cinema developments

    Published 16/07/21

    The penultimate week of Year 5 has been another very busy and productive one. In addition to our sports morning, the children have completed their learning all about human lifecycles in science. We were fascinated to find out how women's football has changed in the twentieth century and we interviewed our own primary source, Mr Lancaster, to find out more about changes in the women's game.  The children have really enjoyed finding out through their parents and grandparents or family how cinema has changed in the 20th Century and they used the chromebooks to create information about the next 'big thing' to entice audiences back to the cinema.

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  • Je mange....

    Published 08/07/21

    This week, the children in Year 5 have been answering the question: 'Qu'est-ce que tu manges pour le déjeuner?'. We spent sometime getting familiar with the French words for certain lunchbox items and even made and played our own memory game. It has been difficult to remember whether each food item is masculine or feminine, but we have been impressed with the children's efforts to widen their French vocabulary. Perhaps you can ask your child if they would like 'une pomme' or 'du fromage' when you are next preparing a meal together. 

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  • A timeline of human development!

    Published 02/07/21

    This term, we have been learning about human development and this week in particular we focused on the milestones a person reaches as they grow from a baby to a 10-year-old. There was lots of excellent discussion, especially from the children who still have babies or toddles in their households. We also reminisced about our favourite nursery rhymes and the children in 5H taught Mrs Snedden all about Little Rabbit Foo Foo! The children added their new information to their ever growing timeline. You can imagine from the picture above just how long the timeline will be when complete it. 

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  • Coding fun!

    Published 24/06/21

    Another busy week in Year 5! This week we have been focusing on building up our coding skills. The children were able to identify correct vocabulary by explaining words such as 'algorithm', 'program', 'command' and 'debugging'. Following on from this, we looked at implementing our knowledge into our coding programme, We were challenged with a variety of tasks that aimed at directing a character towards an end goal which the children achieved by using commands to create algorithms. Additionally, they were tasked with debugging existing algorithms by identifying problems in the code and rectifying these. As you can see from the pictures above, we were really enjoying our learning on coding!

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  • Longshore drift

    Published 18/06/21

    We have had a very busy week in Year 5 with a lot of learning in geography and science. We continued to learn about coastal erosion on Monday. The children recreated a beach using sand trays. They observed what happened to the sand when the waves approached from straight on and then from an angle (using the Isle of Wight as an example). The movement of the sand when the waves approach the beach at an angle is called Longshore Drift. The children then investigated what would happen by adding barriers along their "beaches" and looked how these "groynes " are used along beaches to slow coastal erosion.  In science, the children have begun their learning about human lifecycles. We have been extremely impressed with the discussion this has generated and the way in which the children have used the science vocabulary to describe the beginning of the human lifecycle and the reproduction of humans.

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