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Year 5 News

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  • What are words worth?...

    Published 24/06/22

    Year 5 have spent a lot of time this week reflecting on their happy time on the Isle of Wight – what a great trip!  The children are looking forward to sharing their memories with you all next Wednesday during our assembly.  As we come towards the end of the academic year, the children have also been showing how much they have learnt by completing a series of assessments, not always easy when the sun is shining but good practice for the future.  We have also been familiarising ourselves with our new text “The Lost Words” – a book that was written to highlight the danger of losing words from everyday language that describe the natural world.  How can you love and save what you cannot name?  We were all lucky enough to see so much of the natural world last week on the Isle of Wight and it has helped us to appreciate the beauty that can be found all around us.  

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  • Let there bee love!

    Published 10/06/22

    Year 5 were buzzing this week when the London Beekeepers Association paid us a visit to educate the children about the vital role bees play in our lives. We learned about the different types of bees and their roles within the hive, these being the drones, worker bees and the queen. We also were able to taste some real honey that the bees had created! 

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  • Young Voices Concert 2022 - the joy returns!

    Published 26/05/22

    Year 5 and their parents had a fantastic time at the O2 on Monday evening when after two long years we returned for the Young Voices concert. It was brilliant to see so many children jumping up and down, having great fun and singing their hearts out in such a joyful celebration. After the events of the past two years, it felt even more special for us all to be together again as a year group and to share the experience with so many other schools. A massive thank you to Mrs Boa for all her hard work in organising the event which will live long in the memory.

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  • Sharing our learning

    Published 20/05/22

    It was great to show off some of our learning in Year 5 on Friday.  The parents from across the school were able to watch our PE skills in lacrosse lessons, listen to our djembe drumming in music and see us developing our computing skills.  During the week, we have also begun our work looking at stop-motion animation, which will help us to show how much we have learnt about coastal erosion and spent a lot of time rehearsing our songs for next week’s Young Voices concert at the O2.  We also had the chance to ask our teachers lots of questions to help us to prepare for our Isle of Wight trip.  Not long to go now!    

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  • Coastal erosion!

    Published 11/05/22

    Another busy week of learning in Year 5. In geography, we have been finding out about the process of coastal erosion and we cannot wait to see its effects from high up on Tennyson Down as we observe The Needles during our trip to the Isle of Wight in a few weeks’ time. We have also been researching the history of South Africa so that we will be able to produce a non-chronological piece of writing (it’s a bit like an encyclopaedia entry) linked to our core text, Journey to Jo’Burg. Finally, in RE we have been busy learning about the Five Pillars of Islam and how we can relate its principles to our own life. 

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  • Ordnance Survey specialists!

    Published 29/04/22

    During the week, Year 5 have been working together to develop their map reading skills.  We learnt about the history and usefulness of Ordnance Survey maps, how maps of different scales can help us depending on what information we want to find out and how to use a six-figure grid reference.  Although mobile telephones and satellite navigation are used by so many people to get around, you never know when technology might fail so what we were learning about might prove to be really useful!  We have also really enjoyed our first lacrosse lessons, designing basic pulley systems in DT and watching seed dispersal in action in science.

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  • Stick together

    Published 31/03/22

    On Thursday, Year 5’s science lessons enabled the children to show how well they can design, carry out and record an experiment independently of their teachers. Everyone knew the importance of looking back and thinking about all of their learning so far in Year 5 so that they could bring together different ideas. The children were tasked with identifying which type of tape was the stickiest – Sellotape, masking tape or duct tape. The exercise also allowed the children to show how well they can organise their learning together as part of a team of 3 or 4. The teachers were really impressed with the different scientific approaches taken by the children in tackling the same experiment and the time and care they put into recording and analysing their results.

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  • Puppet Masters

    Published 25/03/22

    Year 5 have now completed their latest DT unit of work.  They have brought together their design, stitching and sewing skills over the past few weeks to produce a range of puppets based on the main characters from our core text, Macbeth.  Can you spot one of the three witches, King Duncan and Lady Macbeth? Next week, we will be evaluating our puppets and using them to perform some Shakespearean drama.   

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  • Sewing the seeds of success!

    Published 18/03/22

    Puppet making in Year 5 will be a big feature of our learning over the next couple of weeks! To get us going on this task, we first of all honed our stitching skills and learnt how to complete a running stitch, back stitch and whip stitch - it was more challenging than most of us thought it would be. Then we moved on to creating our puppet's head, including beads for eyes and wool for hair. Our final puppets will all represent a character from our core text Macbeth, so look out for loads of mini Macbeths, Lady Macbeths, Banquos, Malcolms and some witches soon.

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  • Absorb this knowledge!

    Published 10/03/22
    In science this week, Year 5 have been learning about absorbency.  We enjoyed working in groups to test different types of paper towel using fair test conditions to identify which one had the greatest absorbency.  We learnt that paper
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  • Read all about it!

    Published 03/03/22

    World Book Day provided Year 5 with the opportunity to celebrate some of our favourite books and their authors.  There was lots of excitement and discussion throughout the day and we hope that all of the children across the school are inspired to enjoy reading even more.  

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  • Twos day!

    Published 25/02/22

    What was special about the date on Tuesday? That’s right, it was 22.2.22! The children marked this palindromic date by engaging in a range of challenging, collaborative mathematical tasks. In Year 5, we worked together to make the numbers up to 22 by just using four 2s. We also used tangrams to make new shapes and explored other palindromic numbers and ambigrams.  The children really enjoyed the opportunity of working with each other to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills in a range of different ways. 

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