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Year 5 News

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  • Bread, glorious bread!

    Published 13/12/23

    There is no slowing down in Y5! This week we have been kneading up a storm and have created some fabulous show-stopping breads in Design Technology. The entire school has been salivating as the smell of delicious baked goods has wafted out of the teaching kitchen and along corridors. Yum! In English, pupils have been putting the final touches to some very motivational, and at times - emotional, speeches; inspired by Sir Ernest Shackleton's experiences in Antarctica. Meanwhile, in maths we have been getting our heads around adding and subtracting fractions. On top of everything else, Y5 have been working hard in preparation for next week's carol concert. They sound wonderful.

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  • Parachutes and ice floes, breads and prime numbers

    Published 29/11/23

    Hold on to your hats - or should we say parachutes! It has been a very busy couple of weeks in Y5. Not only have we investigated the effects of parachute surface area on air resistance, but we have also been marine engineers in science. In maths, we have learnt all about prime numbers, square numbers and cube numbers, whilst in English we have put pen to paper and crafted some beautiful poems that evoke the magic and majesty of ice in Antarctica. To top it all off, we've sung our socks off in music and enjoyed taste testing different breads in DT. 

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  • Volcanoes and friction in Y5

    Published 16/11/23

    The week kicked off with pupils investigating how frictional forces vary between different surfaces, using a range of objects at their disposal, as well as the school's grounds. In English, we set off on our adventures to Antarctica with Ernest Shackleton and his crew on board the Endurance, and made some lovely diary entries that articulate the sense of anticipation, excitement and trepidation experienced by the crew.  The evacuation of the town of Grindavik in Iceland  leant a human dimension to the impact that volcanoes have on populations, supplementing our work in geography.

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  • Sharing our stories with year 2 and bar models in maths.

    Published 02/11/23

    Sharing our stories with Year 2. 

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  • Anglo-Saxon Fun & Craters in the classoom

    Published 12/10/23

    Y5 kicked off the week with a fabulous Anglo Saxon workshop delivered by the brilliant Saxon Sue. The children enjoyed a hands-on experience of what life would have been like during this period and developed some useful skills as well. Candle making, weaving, ink making and amulet design were just a selection of the activities they engaged in before becoming archaeologists on the hunt for Anglo Saxon artefacts. In Science, pupils carried out an investigation to determine why the moon has so many different sizes of crater, by making their own craters in the classroom!

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  • Year 5 28.09.23

    Published 28/09/23

    The children in Year 5 have had an eventful couple of weeks! We have had a visit from the Science Dome where we learnt all about our solar system, why we have seasons and how much space there really is in space. We had a visit from a brilliant local artist, who showed us how to make contrast prints. These will be turned into some fantastic artwork for our school so watch this space! In English, we have been writing in the style of journalists this week - below you can see photos of some of the role play interviews.


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  • In Year 5, we are...

    Published 13/09/23

    Over the last few days, we have completed astronaut training, begun learning about the Anglo-Saxons settlement in Britain and started our new English text 'Tuesday' by David Wiesner. In science, the children learnt about life on the International Space Station as well as some of the skills needed to become an astronaut. The images below show the view of Earth from the ISS as well as some excellent descriptive writing of the view. All the Year 5 teachers have been very impressed with how quickly the children have settled into life in Year 5, and we are very excited about our year together.

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  • Isle of Wight, women's football and watercolour!

    Published 13/07/23
    It has been another busy week for Year 5! The children performed their Isle of Wight assembly brilliantly on Tuesday. They accurately recounted each day of our trip with great enthusiasm and humour! We have also used our knowledge of non-chronol
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  • A creative week in Year 5!

    Published 29/06/23
    This week, we have been using The Lost Words as our stimulation to create kennings, incantation and diamond incantation poems. We have used our figurative language, metaphors, personification and alliteration. We have also begun our history unit
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  • Letters, sharing stories and science

    Published 25/05/23

    This week, we have written our letters from Naledi to Nono explaining why they had to leave and go to Johannesburg. This morning all of year 5 visited reception who shared their stories of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. We've been learning about lifecycles of mammals and how long their gestation periods are. How long is the gestation period of an elephant?

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  • Cricket, coronation and coastal features

    Published 11/05/23

    After the excitement of celebrating King Charles III coronation last week, we have continued to learn about coastal features and coastal erosion. This week we used sand trays and water to investigate longshore drift. We are hoping to see examples of how groynes work to help prevent longshore drift on the Isle of Wight. We began our week working with Monty Lynch, building on our cricket throwing and catching skills. Our non-chronological reports, about South Africa, are almost finished and are looking great and full of information. We have practised estimating, measuring and drawing angles in maths. We even included rotation in our gymnastics this week! 


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  • Pulleys, seed dispersal and coastal features

    Published 27/04/23
    We have had a busy few weeks since our return from the Easter holidays. We have begun to learn about coastal features, including how caves, stacks and arches are formed due to erosion. In science, our learning has focused on how flowering plants repr
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