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To support our science lessons all about categorising living things, Year 4 have been pond dipping. They have been able to identify many different species and categorise them into different groups, such as invertebrates and vertebrates. It has been brilliant watching this science unit come to life. 

In English, we have started our new core text: There's a boy in the girls' bathroom. Everyone is hooked, and we await to find out what will happen to Bradley Chalkers. 

In maths, we started our new unit on time. The children have already shown a good level of understanding from Year 3, therefore we look forward to building on this and challenging them further. 

In history, we have started our King Henry the 8th topic, looking to answer the ultimate question, "Was King Henry the 8th a HERO or a VILLAIN?" Some, but certainly not all children have already made up their minds, but we still have lots to discover.  We are really looking forward to our trip to Hampton Court Palace on June 20th. 

We are ready for our last action-packed half-term in Year 4!

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