Celebrating 25 years of World Book Day!
Our topic this half-term is our local area and how it has changed, in maths we are learning about fractions and of course it's been World Book Day!
For our Richmond topic, we have been thinking about the types of transport that were here before trains came. We considered the advantages and disadvantages of these and how they have been replaced. In art, we used watercolours to paint beautiful pictures of Richmond Park.
In maths, we carried on learning about fractions and focused on 'tenths'. We used a tens frame and counters to help us understand this concept (see photo below). We can now count up in tenths and answer questions like 'What are two tenths more than four tenths?'.
Lastly in Year 3 news, we celebrated World Book Day in Sheen Mount style. The costumes and objects the children brought in were wonderful and very thoughtful. Thank you for all your support with these. We learnt more about Roald Dahl's life and about Quentin Blake. We painted pictures using watercolours and black ink in the style of Quentin Blake.