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Which surface will a toy car travel the furthest on?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The Year 3 scientists investigated this question linked to our topic on Forces.  

The children planned how to investigate the question considering how to make sure it was a fair test.  We made predictions using our knowledge of friction.  The scientists then had great fun testing the cars on different surfaces (cardboard, carpet, bubble wrap, wood and playground).  Can your child remember which surface the car travelled the furthest on?  Can they explain why the car was able to travel further compared to other surfaces linking it to friction?



In maths, we have been practising our skills of accurately measuring items.  We also considered the relationships between metres, centimetres and millimetres and answered tricky problems about this.  


Thank you so much to everyone who brought in a pillow case for our design and technology project.  The children have been practising sewing with a running stitch in preparation for making their real bags.  We were really impressed with their careful stitches; it takes a lot of focussed attention to sew neatly!  


 In English, we made predictions about the final chapter of our book 'Stig of the Dump'.  We used clues from the previous chapter and thought about what had happened so far in the story to make connections and make clever predictions.  Below is a photo of when we finally read the last chapter! 


Lastly, another mention about our soapboxes; each week we really are blown away by the hard work children are putting into these at home.  It's so interesting to hear about their lives and hobbies.  If you haven't had your soapbox yet, we look forward to it!