Podkin, PE and Plants
It has been a productive first week back in Year 3. The children have thoroughly enjoyed making the most of the sunshine, and have worked particularly hard in their PE lessons this week!
In science we have started our new topic: Plants. The children have been learning about the conditions that plants need to become healthy and strong.
Our maths topic this term is fractions. This week the children have been learning about unit and non-unit fractions, and finding fractions of shapes and a group of objects - using their times table multiplication and division facts.
The children have been excited to begin their new core text for the summer term: The Legend of Podkin One-Ear. They have made predictions based on the front and back cover of the book, read and discussed their understanding of chapters 1 and 2 and even used top tips from the author Kieran Larwood to create their very own fantasy land maps!