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Wild Things, addition and flight!

Another busy couple of weeks in Year 1!

This week, we have continued our writing using ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ as inspiration. Over the past few weeks we have used past tense verbs (ed) to write the beginning of the story, used our imaginations to create our own islands, described them using adjectives and written invitations and had our own ‘Wild Thing’ party- please see pic above!

In maths, we have been practising adding by counting on, recapping our number bonds to 10 and using these to help us find our number bonds to 20.

In science, we have continued our topic on materials by looking at floating and sinking and we have investigated which materials are opaque, translucent and transparent.

In history, we looked at the first flight in an aeroplane and compared the Wright Flyer to modern day aeroplanes. In art, we had two special visitors (thank you Miss Herring and Miss Mundo!) who shared their creative side by showing us some of the fabulous craft they had made. Thank you for the shoeboxes- we will be using them to make our own craft over the coming weeks.

Have a super weekend!

The Year 1 team.