First week in Year 1!
Year 1 have had a brilliant first week and the children are settling in to new routines!
This week we have done our first carousel of activities. In science we have been labelling parts of the body. We drew ourselves and then labelled them. We have also made skeletons using straws and collaged a picture of our face.
In maths we have been recognising numbers 1-10. We have been practising number formation and then started grouping and ordering objects. We have also moved on to counting these objects using tens frames.
In English we read the story 'The Snail and the Whale'. We thought about the snail beginning its adventure around the world and what we might take if we were going on an adventure! We wrote a list of items we would take with us.
In geography, we began learning about the seven continents. We loved singing the continent's song and then matched the continent's name to a picture of the continent.
We have also been recapping our phonics sounds throughout the week.