Mass, Traditional tales and Plants
Welcome back Year 1! We hope you have all had a lovely relaxing holiday and are ready for lots of fun learning!
This week in Maths we have explored mass. We have used scales and practised using key vocabulary such as: heavier, lighter, balanced, greater than, less than. Next week we will start to look at multiplication and division.
In English, we have started our new topic of Traditional Tales. The first two weeks of this term we are reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We will be learning about the features of a letter and telling the truth. This links with our living value for this term - Honesty.
In geography, we are learning about weather and seasons. We are going to learn how to measure the weather using weather equipment. We will be making our own rain gauge next week!
We have started our new science topic for this term - Plants! We are going to learn the difference between wild and planted flowers. This week we are going on a plant hunt around the school. We are going to learn how plants grow and what they need to survive.
We have lots of exciting things planned for this term and can't wait to start!