Last battle, sports day and much, much more ...
This week we have role-played the battle of Hastings with our beautifully decorated, colourful shields. We then moved into a new topic of superheroes and have written a description of Supertato who saved all the veggies from evil pea! In maths, we have been learning about weight and capacity. We practised weighing objects with weights and we have investigated the capacity of a variety of school containers. In PE we had our amazing sports day and during the week we practised our running and ball skills. In art we have been learning about different types of brushes and how to use them by applying different amount of pressure to make thick and thin lines. Finally, in RE, we made a mosaic of a mosque using our learning on Islamic patterns and in computing we have made a snail in the style of Henri Matisse using our paints IT package.
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