'Twosday' and performing poetry!
It has been wonderful to have the children back, rested and ready to learn. It has been a week full of fun and learning. We loved 'Twosday' which began with the children bringing in two objects from home and continued with them making twos out of a whole range of classroom objects. Year 1 also practised counting in 2s up to 100 and learnt to tell the time - to o'clock and half past the hour! In English, we began our new topic on poetry and looked at rhyme and making rhyming strings. We then watched Michael Rosen performing some poems, and used our learning from this to perform a set of nursery rhymes in small groups using our own actions and expressions. In science we amazed our teachers with our knowledge on plants by making beautiful class plant posters with a partner. Finally, we began our new geography topic which looks at our local area by reading the lovely story of 'Town Mouse, Country Mouse' to begin discussing the differences between urban and rural locations.