An alien crash landing on Earth, investigating which material is the most waterproof for Barnaby Bear and much more ...
This week in English Year 1 have been learning a new text called Beegu, written by Alexis Deacon. It is a beautiful story about an alien who crashes on planet Earth. We have enthusiastically acted it out, using expression and emotions. We have learnt some emotional adjectives to help describe how Beegu (the main character) was feeling including sad, despondent, lonely, loved, relieved. We ended the week by writing a postcard in character as Beegu to the children she met on planet Earth.
In maths, we have been revisiting how to add and adding using our new knowledge of partitioning numbers into tens and ones. We have also learnt about odd and even numbers and looked at patterns of odd and even numbers throughout the 100 hundred square grid.
In science, we really enjoyed investigating the property of materials. Which material was the most waterproof and would be best for an umbrella for Barnaby Bear? We decided it was plastic! Tissue paper was definitely not very waterproof! We have continued learning about the religion of Judaism - this week we looked in more detail at Shabbat and how this is celebrated in Jewish homes.