Year 1 - Skeletons and our bodies!
Skeletons and our bodies!
Year 1 have been amazing this week! We have been learning all about our bodies. We read the story of some skeletons that live in an underground cellar (Funnybones by Janet and Allan Ahlberg) and go on a night-time adventure. We have made our own skeletons out of art straws and we have talked about and labelled all the different parts of our bodies. In maths we have been revising our numbers from 1 to 20. We have made some numicon number-lines and done some brilliant number writing and counting. In geography, we have begun to investigate the world and learn about the 7 continents of the world. We have completed our first carousel of activities where we have been learning and practising working more independently, including how to tidy our tables and class-room.