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Year 2 have had a wonderful final few weeks with our final forest school sessions, sports day and a trip to the Wetlands Centre.

In English we have been finishing writing our own twisted tale based on the true story of the three little pigs. We then designed a front cover and blurb to go with our stories.

In maths we recapped doubles and halves of numbers and then have been consolidating addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 

In history, we have been learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole and why they are significant people from the Victorian times. We researched some facts together and then wrote a fact page about them comparing their lives and how they are both remembered now.

In science we have been thinking about how we can live a balanced and healthy lifestyle. We came up with lots of 'dos and don'ts' to create a poster. 

In DT we have designed and sewed our own animal hand puppets. We then decorated these and were very pleased with our final product!

We all had a brilliant day out at the Wetlands. The highlights were pond dipping, seeing the otters and doing the wild walk trail!