Forest school fires and traditional tales!
Year 2 have had a great two weeks with highlights being creating fires in Forest school and also creating our own twisted tale!
In maths we have been exploring position and direction. We have been describing where objects are using positional language then moved on to giving instructions for movement. We have been practising left and right as well as clockwise and anti-clockwise turns! We also used this to make our own shape patterns.
In English we have been exploring a range of traditional tales and spotting repeated themes and phrases. Then we read 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs' and sequenced this story thinking about if we believed the wolf or the pigs version of the story! After this we planned our own twisted tale coming up with our own animals and we are looking forward to finishing our tales next week.
In history we have learnt about two significant people; Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole and thought about why they are remembered. We did some hot seating to think about questions we would ask them.
In DT we explored types of puppets and then have designed our own animal hand puppet. We are looking forward to sewing and decorating these in the next few weeks.