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Victorian school!

Year 2 have had a busy two weeks! 

In English we finished writing about the pros and cons of zoos and continued our ongoing debate about whether zoos are for animals or humans. We also read a new book by Anthony Browne called Gorilla. We made some inferences about how the character was feeling at different points in the story and why. 

In history, we went back in time to learn about and experience what a lesson was like in the Victorian times! We learnt about the 3Rs; reading, writing and arithmetic. Additionally, we learnt about how children had to sit in rows, use a blackboard and chalk and of course the strict punishments! 

In science we have continued exploring different habitats and discussing why animals are suited to their habitat. We discussed extreme habitats such as the arctic and desert as well as local habitats such as under the ground. 

In maths we finished our work on telling the time and have now been recapping the four operations. We are also moving on to a variety of reasoning problems and learning how to solve these. 

In PE, we have been doing some artistic gymnastics! We have been balancing bean bags, balls and using hoops to travel in a variety of different ways.