The London Eye!
Year 2 have had a brilliant few weeks! On Friday, we hopped on the train to Waterloo and went on the London Eye. The children were very excited and enjoyed seeing and naming lots of landmarks that we had learnt about in geography this term.
In maths, we have been learning about length and mass. We really enjoyed our practical lessons and using different resources for measurement, such as 30cm rulers and metre sticks. Then we explored measuring mass using balance scales and mechanical scales. Next week, we will move on to learning about measuring capacity.
In English, we have been learning about writing diary entries. We read 'Coming to England' by Floella Benjamin and wrote a diary entry from her perspective, recounting the events of her coming to England.
In science we planted our own bean, and we are enjoying watching them grow. In PE we have been enjoying gymnastics and have begun sequencing routines including forward roll, shapes and balances.