Delicious dips!
Year 2 have had a lovely two weeks! Today we have been busy preparing our dips. We peeled, grated and chopped various ingredients to go in our yoghurt based dip and very much enjoyed tasting them!
In English, we have been exploring some more Anthony Browne books such as 'Gorilla' and 'Willy and Hugh'. We have made predictions and inferences about the characters as well as making links between the books. We thought about what was similar and different in both.
In maths we have been consolidating our problem solving skills. We used RUCSAC to solve word problems and also have thought about other words used for 'add, take away, times and divide'.
In science we are enjoying exploring different habitats. We have thought about underground and under the sea animals and how they are best suited to that habitat.
In history we have experienced what school was like in the Victorian times! Our classrooms were transformed and we had to practise the 3R's - reading, writing and arithmetic. We all decided that we preferred how school is now rather than back then!
We hope you all have a restful half-term!