Forest school fun!
Year 2 have had a lovely start back to the Summer term!
Doves and Owls have enjoyed Forest school in slightly warmer weather! We learnt how to safely light a spark and made some watercolour paintings and leaf patterns. Robins are looking forward to their sessions starting next week.
In maths we have been exploring fractions of shapes and numbers. We learnt about halves, quarters and thirds.
In English, we have begun reading Zoo by Anthony Browne. We made some inferences about how the animals in the book might be feeling and also written a detailed character description of Dad.
Excitingly in history, we have begun our topic about the Victorians! We made a timeline of events that happened all throughout Queen Victoria’s reign. We also explored a variety of artefacts and discussed what we thought they might be used for.
In science we have been discussing different habitats and which animals are best suited to their habitats.