A London Bus Tour!
Year 2 have had a lovely few weeks. In geography, we had a virtual 'bus tour' of London from our classrooms! We had our oyster cards ready and loved learning lots of facts all about the famous landmarks!
In English, we have been writing non-fiction information pages about different animals using our knowledge from science. We have been including sentence openers, conjunctions and questions. We also used headings to lay out our work. We have been learning about the various animal groups.
In Maths, we have started learning about multiplication. We have been investigating ways to group numbers by drawing arrays. We will also be learning how to count in 3s.
In art, we have been practising our sketching skills. We are then going to use these when we sketch a London landmark.
Doves class have also had their class assembly this week and loved performing! Robins are looking forward to their turn next week.