Super space settings!
Year 2 have had a busy week back from half-term. We loved performing our songs to you all at our Harvest assembly.
This week in English we have continued to explore books by Oliver Jeffers. We read 'How to Catch a Star' and discussed what it would be like to go to space. We planned our own space setting and thought about what we would see and hear using expanded noun phrases.
In maths, we have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones in more than one way. We used diennes to help us. We have been learning strategies to help us when adding and subtracting two numbers.
In history, we are continuing our topic of the Great Fire of London. Before half-term we enjoyed painting our background of the fire and creating silhouettes to stick on top. This week we have learnt about Sir Christopher Wren and how London was redesigned after the fire. We came up with some of our own ideas of how we would rebuild the houses and streets using bricks instead of wood.
In science, we enjoyed making predictions and observations of our experiments. We have now moved onto exploring different materials and their properties. We discussed why some materials are better suited for things than others.