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School - Victorian Style!

It has been a busy week in Year 2! We have been very proud of the children’s excellent focus and positive attitudes during their SATs. Well done, everyone!
In maths, the children have been using their subtraction and addition skills to answer word problems, using RUCSAC to help them work out what the question is asking. In English, they completed their writing about zoos, looking at both sides of an argument: are zoos good or bad? They had some excellent reasons for and against, and used sentence openers effectively to organise their writing. In history, the children learnt about, and experienced, life in school as a Victorian child! They had their daily Reading, Writing and ‘Rithmetic (The 3Rs) lessons where they practised their handwriting and numbers on chalkboards and read the rules of the classroom. If children did not behave, they experienced writing lines, wearing the ‘Dunce’ hat and being threatened with the cane! I think it’s safe to say that the children are glad to be in schools nowadays!


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