Going with the flow...
The end of last term saw the children participate in their Carol concert at Christ Church. We are so proud of them and of their beautiful singing and are very excited to be performing as part of Young Voices at the O2 next week! These are both fabulous enrichment opportunities that really enhance the children's learning and provide fun and meaningful experiences beyond the classroom.
Before the Christmas break, we concluded units of work on natural disasters in geography, forces in science, Shackleton's Journey in English and, rather tastily, bread-baking in design technology.
The spring term has got off to a flying start! In science, we are developing our understanding of materials, their structure, the states they can exist in and of how they interact with each other. We are getting to grips with Macbeth in English and using primary and secondary sources to help us understand Viking conflict during the latter stages of the Anglo-Saxon period in history. The children have also enjoyed getting creative in our new unit of work incorporating portraiture in art - it transpires that it is somewhat challenging to draw a self-portrait without taking your pencil off the paper!