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Place Value, The Snail and the Whale and Colour Mixing!

Place Value, The Snail and the Whale and Colour Mixing!

Another busy week in Year 1! This week, in our maths lessons, we have continued our Place Value topic by using a variety of resources to represent a number to 20 (please see number 17 above!). In Carousel, we have been reading, acting and retelling the story of The Snail and the Whale with this week’s focus on writing the beginning of the story using time conjunctions (First, Next, Then, After that and Finally). We have also been trying to remember to include a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence, a full stop and finger spaces. In science, we have continued our topic on the body by investigating one of the five senses-touch. In art, we have been colour mixing primary colours to make different types of green and finally, in RE, we have sequenced the Creation story. Have a lovely weekend! The Year 1 team.