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King Henry VIII, hero or villain?

The last two weeks in Year 4 have been as jam-packed as always. 

We have thoroughly enjoyed learning about King Henry VIII. We have had excellent discussions about whether he is a hero or a villain and some very interesting facts and opinions have been shared. 

In art, we have been learning how to paint 3D objects by mixing pallets to reflect lighter and darker shadows. 

In maths, we have been interpreting statistics from charts and graphs. We have been carrying out investigations in science to support this learning and looking for patterns in data. 

We can not put There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom DOWN! We just want to read and read and read. It is absolutely captivating and hilarious. Every Year 4 is gripped and we can not wait to find out what happens next! Bradley Chalkers is such a complex  main character, and it has been brilliant putting our inference and retrieval skills to great use by unpicking why he might act the way he does. 

We are also so pleased the sun has made an appearance. As you can see from the photo, the children are really enjoying being outside as much as possible. 

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