That's the way to do it!
The end of last half term was marked by two special whole school events: Sir Mo Farah opening the new astro-turf and the school talent show. We were proud of all of our Y5 representatives and performers, whether they showcased their talents to the class or to the school, or helped put Sir Mo through his paces on the astro.
It's been lovely welcoming children back into Y5 after the half term break and we're excited about the action packed half term ahead of us. This week we've begun a unit of work in DT with children investigating existing puppet designs and looking at a timeline of the history of puppet-making. Later this term they will design, make and evaluate puppets linked to our core text: Macbeth. Speaking of which, we're moving on from concocting potions inspired by the Three Witches, to writing soliloquys. The only question is - will they have the same dire consequences as in Macbeth…?