Don't do, Don't do, Don't do that!
Michael Rosen inspired poetry.
This week Year 4 have been writing their own poetry based on the poem 'Don't' by author Michael Rosen. They took all the events that happened at Juniper Hall and turned them into wonderfully creative poems that featured rhymes, repetition and stanzas. A real highlight this week has been listening to the Year 4 children perform their poems confidently and with pride.
Don't do
Don't do
Don't do that
Don't put Shrews in your stew
Don't put spiders in your sliders!
Don't yawn in your dorm
Who do you think I am?
Some kind of fool?
In maths, we have continued to learn about money, rounding, estimating, adding and subtracting using the decimal point.
In Geography, we have been making the most of the sunshine spells, getting outside to orienteer using compasses and ordinance maps. The children have been brilliant and can confidently find North, South, East and West whilst planning their own route around the orchard and playground.
Year 4 are really looking forward to putting together their assembly with prep starting this week!