A Great Start to the Summer Term
A New Book
We have begun to read Louis Sacher's thought-provoking book, There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom and the children in Year 4 are getting to know the book's complex main character, Bradley. They have all written excellent character descriptions of Bradley which compare his unusual behaviour at school with his more revealing behaviour at home. Ask them what they think of Bradley at the moment.
In science, we have learned which 7 life processes define a living thing. Can you remember what the pneumonic MRS NERG stands for? In music, we have been analysing the Dr Who theme tune and we have created our own graphic score for this piece of music.
We are all excited about spending a long day at Juniper Hall next Thursday. Please follow the Covid regulations carefully so we don't get a positive case in the year group meaning that a bubble will have to isolate. Also, keep your fingers crossed for fine weather!