Dear Parents,
I hope you are well. I would like to say welcome to the 'summer' term, however with the current temperatures we seem to be some distance from that season, although I am assured it is arriving imminently!
We have had an excellent start to term, enjoying celebration assemblies last week, forest school continuing for Year 1 and Year 2, swimming lessons and Year 5 & 6 having their cricket sessions with a professional coach.
I have just returned from my day at Juniper Hall with Year 4 down in Dorking. This is our first residential for the year with a two night stay. We then have Year 3 staying in the school for a night, Year 4 having 5 days on the Isle of Wight and Year 6 enjoying their PGL outward bound trip down in Hindhead.
Term dates 2024-2025
These have now been published by Richmond council and we have allocated our INSET days. Please see the link to the website-
Just in case you missed it with the clubs information, we can confirm that we have appointed a permanent full time (5 days a week) new PE teacher from September. We welcome Craig Brown to the school and he is currently working two days a week, whilst he completes work in other local primary schools. We are delighted to have secured someone of his experience and the children have already been getting to know him in lessons. He introduced himself in the last newsletter from before Easter.
Forest field fun - Smoothie Bikes and laps of the field.
The children really enjoyed our smoothie bike sponsorship challenge last Thursday and Friday as well as completing their laps of the field. Thank you to those parents who got involved, the 1v1 challenge, proved a lot of fun. We can see from the interaction on Twitter how much everyone enjoyed the event. Thank you to those that have collected and logged their sponsorship money already. Whilst there was an increase in sponsorship donations there is still a long way to go. Ultimately we need the money committed before we can proceed with the build this summer.
A reminder here is the link-
The London to Paris ride is coming up on the 23rd June and the 50 riders are increasing their training routine. There are three staff members joining in, including yours truly. We will send you the links for the sponsorship for this event nearer the time.
Some children have been asking to make items such as bracelets and bookmarks and to have a cake sale in order that they can contribute to Forest, Field, Fun. Therefore, there will be a collective sale for groups of children from any year group to run and contribute a stall. If you know a group of children would be interested please just email info@. The date will be after school on Friday 19th May from 3.20pm.
Direct request to speak to staff members
We have had a couple of requests from parents to be able to directly email teachers. I think it is very healthy for their work/life balance for teachers' email addresses not to be public. If you wish to directly get hold of a teacher but don't want the office to be aware of the content, please just email in requesting a phone call. The teacher will aim to do this within that day or the next.
Anything urgent, as per currently please see the teacher in school before or after the day or speak to myself or Mrs O'Brien on the gate.
Once again I have had to deal with complaints from our local neighbours about parents blocking local driveways and cars dropping off on the zigzag lines. Whilst I appreciate this is a minority, it is very frustrating. If you do choose to drive to school there are numerous appropriate places you can park. We have informed the local council and they have assured us that traffic warden spot checks will happen.
From our staff Coronation committee
This year marks a historic moment - the Coronations of their Majesties the King and the Queen Consort at Westminster Abbey on Saturday 6th May. We will be celebrating this special event on Friday 5th May at school. Please come to school this day wearing some or all of the colours of the Union Flag and bring 1 sandwich and/or? 1 slice of cake and a small picnic blanket to school (if you have one). The sandwich and cake are not a replacement for lunch, which will still be served as usual, but rather an afternoon 'tea party' snack. We are looking forward to celebrating this day filled with festivities.
It has been great to see a wide range of clubs start this week. On some evenings it can be very busy on pick up, particularly on Mondays and if it is raining.
From now on, the two football clubs and gardening club will always pick up from the field to ease congestion.
Year 3 football competition
8 Year 3 girls went to Rocks lane to enjoy an inclusive tournament without scores taken or winners. They had a great time playing in matches against other schools.
Hundred club
Congratulations to the winning numbers from this month (and last!)
27 and 53
No Multi-lingua presentation Thursday 4th May
Unfortunately due to school events having to be moved because of the teacher strikes, we have had to postpone this event again. We hope to find another suitable date.
Cake sale
Well done to the group of children who organised and ran the cake sale on the last day of the Spring term. They were a range of children from different year groups and considering it had to happen in the hall, there were some excellent sales.
£210 for the Forest, Field, Fun appeal and £1040 for The Turkish Earthquake appeal.
There are numerous PSA events coming up which they need urgently need more help for. A reminder everyone is a member of the PSA and while events seem to frequently rely on the same people, they would greatly appreciate extra help.
Pre-loved bike sale-see below.
18th May - School discos (we are going to need ideally a parent from each class to help with this)
9th June - Summer party at the school (Italian themed)
Pre-loved bike sale
Pre-loved Bikes wanted for donation.
Please have a look around for unwanted/un-used bikes/ scooters/ push-bikes which could be donated for re-sale.
Collections will be tomorrow Friday 28th April, Friday 5th May and Friday 12th May, please leave by the pingpong table in the Orchard after drop off.
* All bikes, scooters, push-bikes, accessories, adults and children donations welcome*
Donations should be in need of TLC only, and if you have specific requests for collections please get in touch with Tamsin Bryant on classlist whom will be able to help out if needed.
Also if you or anyone you know who is a bike mechanic/enthusiast who is willing to help revive the old bikes, please let us know as we would love your help before the sale date.
The 13th May sale date has been rescheduled, we are looking to hold the pre-loved sale at the summer fair.
Have a good bank holiday weekend.
If you wish to contact me directly, please see me on the school gates or for email
Tom Holmes - Headteacher
Maria O'Brien - Deputy Headteacher